VersoView and NetVRk Enter a Strategic Partnership

To drive the engagement of users in the segment of gaming, education, and virtual reality, an important strategic partnership has been announced between VersoView and NetVRk. VersoView is a well-known entity offering an engaging experience to users by providing them with a platform on which they can participate, interact, and involve with other users while winning rewards in the process. NetVRk, on the other hand, is making waves in the virtual reality segment by offering innovative services in the domain of gaming and education. Now the union between these organizations will enable the exploration of new growth avenues that both companies can leverage to enhance their user base while bringing significant innovations to the entire ecosystem of virtual reality.
VersoView is actively involved in developing new-age applications for social connectivity and users’ engagements. Through this new partnership with NetVRk, the company will deliver an additional layer of virtual reality service to its users. This, in turn, is expected to enhance the engagement and interaction potential of the platform. Specifically, for the engineering and Computer-aided design modules, this addition of the virtual reality layer will help users understand the specifics more effectively and efficiently.
As virtual classes rollout has become the order of the day due to the restrictions imposed by various governments in the backdrop of the covid-19 pandemic, this decision of making a coalition is something that makes a lot of sense today. In addition to business growth, this collaboration will also serve as an opportunity to showcase to the world growing prowess of virtual reality and its significance in the times to come.