Pixelmatic Sends Bitcoin to Legendary Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield from Space

Legendary Canadian astronaut and former commander of the International Space Station, Col. Chris Hadfield received his first Bitcoin worth $100, and that too, directly from space. The BTC was sent by blockchain-based gaming platform Pixelmatic, who executed the transaction directly from the Blockstream satellite to Col. Hadfield’s Pixel Green Wallet.
Pixelmatic CEO Samson Mow transferred the value first to the Blockstream Satellite in the geosynchronous orbit (Telstar 11N, Galaxy 18, Eutelsat 113), which was then transferred to the Col. Hadfield’s wallet account. The whole process was demonstrated live during the recently concluded 2020 Asia Blockchain Summit virtual conference, in which the former fighter pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force participated. This was an exclusive transaction executed from space, as generally, the satellite sends the transactions in the BTC member pool for broadcast.
More than anything else this demonstrates the prowess of the crypto industry and what it is capable of. There’s a section of the financial industry that considers Bitcoin as a hoax and a bubble that could burst any moment. But time and again, the industry has proved its legitimacy indicating that it is truly the future of the global monetary system. Involvement of a name as renowned in the space industry as Col. Hadfield shows how confident the industry has become, and therefore, the critics need to sit down and reassess their stand.