Nethermind Warps Uniswap Onto StarkNet

A proposal to enable Ether customers to exchange tokens using the more accessible ETH layer two networks StarkNet has been transpiled and built on “Warp,” according to ETH development firm Nethermind.
Team leader Jorik Schellekens revealed the accomplishment in a post on Medium on October 9.
According to Nethermind, Warp is a Rigidity to Cairo Transpiler that enables Solidity-based ETH initiatives to migrate their codebase to StarkNet, where they can benefit from lower fees. The practice of translating code from one scripting language into another with a comparable abstraction level is known as transpiling. In this instance, Warp converts Solidity code to Cairo, the computer language used to create StarkNet programs.
As per Schellekens, the Warp component remains in the development process, but he said that Nethermind would shortly have Uniswap’s whole automated tests operating against a Uniswap version made available on StarkNet.
The achievement was made possible by StarkNet’s new capacity for creating contracts from those other contracts, allowing Warp to transpile and deploy each Solidity file using Uniswap v3.
Among the most cutting-edge second-layer solutions for the Ethereum (ETH) network is StarkNet. It aids the scaling of a second blockchain.
Modern DeFis can use StarkEx, a System as a Service driven by customized APIs, to utilize the StarkNet offerings. The StarkNet ecosystem handles up to 6 million operations every week, which is significantly more than Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, thanks to its remarkable technical performance, unsurpassed security, and minimal costs. By accepting STARK for energy fees, protocols, stake methods, and data availability solutions, the token will combine the advantages of a utility and a governance asset.
Considering the size of Uniswap’s code, which made it possible for projects of any size to be uploaded to StarkNet, Schellekens emphasized the importance of this achievement: With Warp quickly developing, it is becoming easier for both big and little initiatives to test out StarkNet’s possibilities.
However, the Solidity to Cairo conversion by Warp had not been flawless. Warp’s GitHub page reveals that Nethermind devs are still working on adding a handful of Solidity methods to Cairo. At the same time, just a few other crucial features may either need programmer assistance or won’t be enabled at all.
In order to add more Ethereum-based applications to StarkNet, Nethermind intends to develop Warp’s capabilities even further: They will continue to work on functionality and replicate this experimentation with just a few other conventions, introducing fresh procedures to StarkNet at breakneck speeds.
In July 2021, Nethermind and StarkWare, the organization that created StarkNet, collaborated to provide enhanced functionality and infrastructure components for StarkNet. The DEX Uniswap has no connection to Nethermind or Warp.