MEXC Partners With Syscoin’s Rollux 0Pv1

MEXC, which happens to be, irrefutably, one of the top and prime digital asset trading platforms, has joined hands in the form of an exclusive partnership with Syscoin’s Rollux 0Pv1 and, in accordance, has come out with a $20 million ecosystem-based funding, with the prime aim and intention of assisting and supporting the Bitcoin network, and its launching of a roll-up solution that is effectively controlled by it.
In a systematic and scheduled planning by Syscoin, Rollux 0Pv1 happens to be the very first rollup initiative and application, which is entirely controlled by the PoW network, which happens to be an offshoot of Bitcoin. This enormous amount of funding offered by MEXC is with the prime requirement of initiating projects to take the help and assistance of the fresh Syscoin layer-two, which was instrumental in being delivered onto a public testnet.
According to the investment manager of MEXC Ventures, Leo Zhao, this coming together with Syscoin and the involved generous funding is the right step in the right direction of boosting identified projects which hold great possibilities and show promise of positively affecting the blockchain in every functional way possible, and act as ultimate problem solvers.
Further, in his educated opinion, this scenario will open the doors of opportunity for all involved users and creators to use this unique design that is now in existence fully. On the other hand, a Syscoin Foundation board member, Bradley Stephenson, is equally enthusiastic and optimistic about this new professional relationship that has been formed, considering very high expectations from MEXC regarding the possibility of completely turning around the face and function of the ecosystem on the whole.