Japan declares tax exemption crypto firms

The Japanese government is of the firm mind and opinion of encouraging further all of the crypto companies trying to establish themselves on Japan’s soil. With this being the aim and intention of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, the decision is seriously considering providing complete tax exemption, otherwise 30%, for all dealings in cryptocurrencies. However, this is in the offing, despite the entire dismal and disappointing scenario of the FTX.
In the present scenario, and hypothetically, if any firm possesses $100 worth of tokens that they have purchased, and if the amount increases to $200, the tax payable on the increase would be 30%. With the imposition of the capital gains tax on the on-paper profits, the situation does not at all remain conducive for corporate investors and other businesses to hold onto their tokens with the view of the success of the projects.
Furthermore, the country has made it difficult for corporate investors to hold tokens in the hope that the projects might succeed. However, investment in the field of cryptocurrencies seems to be difficult in the future. Furthermore, according to the opinion of Sota Watanabe, CEO of DApp and smart contract firm Astar Network and Stake Technologies, Japan is one of the most difficult places to carry on with business.Consequently, he has shifted his business to Singapore. He adds that a huge battle is going on at all corners of the world regarding the use of the Web3 metaverse. However, Japan seems reluctant about it and is not even halfway there.
According to reliable information received from Yahoo Finance, it is the Prime minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, and his concerned officials who are in the process of reaching out to the crypto-based industry, with commitments made regarding the cutting down of red tape, coupled with encouraging and increasing investments in sectors related to the NFT and overall metaverse oriented industries.
In addition to this, the entire screening process will be closely looked into and made more convenient. Furthermore, the Japan Virtual and Crypto Assets Exchange Association (JVCEA) declared that they would cut down the long and drawn screening process for listing the tokens. However, this move comes despite the FTX collapse, causing financial regulatory bodies to double down on crypto firms.