Hyperlane Now On Polygon zkEVM via Permissionless Deployment

Hyperlane is the 1st permissionless interoperability that allows its users to deploy Hyperlane without requiring any permission from any Hyperlane team members or external parties. It allows its users to introduce Hyperlane interoperability stacks to any blockchain network. Developers using Hyperlane can build Interchain apps and server users on connected chains, eliminating all complexities of interchain interactions.
Hyperlane is now available on Polygon zkEVM, which was made possible due to the Hyperlane India team’s permissionless deployment. It empowers users and developers on Polygon zkEVM with additional features, including interchain application composability as well as the permissionless bridging of virtual assets.
India is a principal frontier for cryptocurrency adoption with its ever-growing pool of developer talent and a huge potential digital user base. For this reason, Hyperlane has made the most strategic decision this year to fund Hyperlane India, an Indian-based team that operates independently of the core team and is built to advance the adoption of Hyperlane on a mass level and promote crypto development in the ever-growing Indian digital population.
From conferences to hackathons to engineering contributions, Hyperlane acknowledges the continuous progress of the team over the last few months. The future of the Indian crypto population is hopeful for Polygon zkEVM deployment and the future contributions of Hyperlane India.
Hyperlane complements the current Polycon bridge by providing interoperability along with chains that exist outside of the Polygon system. In addition to this, Hyperlane also brings additional features, including –
- Permissionless Bridging – Users can transfer any digital asset permissionless from any of the Hyperlane-backed chains through Warp Routes. This is particularly important for liquidity from current chains and onboarding users.
- Composability and interchain applications – With the Hyperlane integration, all apps can share liquidity and state with different aspects of the applications on other Hyperlane-powered chains.
- Enhanced user experience – Interchain applications can substantially enhance the user experience by changing chain-switching and complex bridging concepts to the backend.
- Module Security – With the use of Hyperlane, developers can customize interchain security with other ISMs (interchain security modules). There is no need to stress about security as users can customize their interchain security stacks by mixing and matching prebuilt ISMs, plugging in custom ISMs, setting parameters to filter messages by contents, routing different types of messages through various ISMs, and stacking all of these together.