Crypto-tourism Allows Companies to Engage Directly With Uber-rich Investors

Despite the recent slump in cryptocurrency prices, the earliest cryptocurrency enthusiasts have seen their wealth increase exponentially. The tourism industry is catering to the needs of these new-age millionaires by announcing cruises and expeditions dedicated to this segment.
Crypto Tourism
Travel companies are organizing expeditions dedicated to participants in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries. These allow participants from similar industries to mingle with each other and to share business ideas while having a good time. Thus, participants may be enjoying skiing and, at the same time, collaborating on some new business ventures. Such trips also become essential when you consider that normal working days for most of the participants consist of working at abnormal hours. Thus, there is no time to explore new opportunities. These trips give their participants the chance to unwind and confer with like-minded people about any new prospects or technologies which they will need to adapt to grow or sustain their business.
Many times such expeditions are to promote a new ICO. Presentations, seminars, and interactive meetings are held during the tour where the promoters and backers of the new coin try to persuade the uber-rich to invest in the ICO. As these expeditions consist of persons who have become rich due to cryptocurrency, there is every chance that they will invest in a new ICO. Thus, crypto-tourism seeks to achieve the right mix of business and pleasure and in the process, get participants to loosen their purse strings a little.
Target Audience:
The target audience for such tours is the cryptocurrency industry leaders, top management, institutional investors interested in cryptocurrency, venture capitalists, professional traders, and other rich clients, who don’t have any clue about what a cryptocurrency is but have just heard about it and have money to spare on crypto games.
The list of participants to crypto-tourism events is carefully vetted as companies marketing their ICO’s during such tours want to make sure that the participants are financially sound enough and willing to invest in a volatile market like cryptocurrency.
The hard fact behind ICO’s is that most of them have gone bust. Thus, the chances are that you may regret getting taken in by the luxurious amenities that crypto-tourism offers and the entire trip were more akin to spending several days at the casino gambling your wealth away. Some in an actual casino and others in the investments done in ICO. While this may certainly be true for the people jumping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon without doing their research, such tours create new investment opportunities as they are capable enough of detecting frauds because of their long years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry.
Thus, we can conclude that the cryptocurrency tourism is an important way of bringing cryptocurrency investors and businesses on a common platform. It is important for participants not to get carried away by the glam and glitter, the paid experts, the great returns, the intoxicating extravagance of such expeditions. They must do their research, carry out due diligence, confer with their advisors and if they are convinced that the ICO is genuine, then they can invest in it.