FIO Send Joins Eidoo App for Seamless Crypto Transactions

FIO Send published a blog post to announce that its functionalities are now live on Eidoo App, a decentralized wallet. Under the integration with Eidoo App, FIO Send will enable its users to transact cryptocurrencies through an error-free and human-readable crypto handle like name@domain.
Eidoo App will now offer users an easy and seamless way to send and withdraw cryptocurrencies.
Eidoo App has dealt with one of the widely prevailing issues across the blockchain industry by taking FIO Send live on the platform. Users must remember the wallet address or copy-paste the same in the relevant field. This opened a gray area for exploitation and hacking by those adopting unauthorized ways to misdirect the transfer.
Additionally, the long-string public addresses were too vulnerable to errors as a single mistype or misread could transfer a huge fund to a wrong wallet. FIO Send replaces that mechanism through FIO Crypto Handle, enabling users to transact digital currency with a much better experience on the network.
Eidoo App is a wallet that is decentralized in nature. Users who register on the platform get access to all the blockchain facilities at their fullest form. Eidoo App goes beyond to offer its users a better experience. The portfolio of services allows users to buy non-fungible tokens, browse DeFi applications through the in-built decentralized app browser, install a custom widget, and transact cryptocurrency.
Users are protected by the app’s security center that provides a risk assessment to the users before they proceed to try their hands on a decentralized application. The risk assessment offered is entirely transparent.
The Foundation for Interwallet Operability, popularly referred to as FIO, is a decentralized group of community members and organizations that believe in the power of the FIO Protocol and support its integration, development, and promotion.
FIO Protocol is built on the FIO Chain powered by $FIO, its native token. It works across all the blockchains and replaces the long & inconvenient public addresses with short & convenient crypto handles. FIO Protocol is a usability layer solution with the characteristics of open-source and decentralization.
The news about Eidoo App integrating FIO Send follows the announcement where it was shared that it has integrated with Solareum, a non-custodial crypto wallet. FIO Send’s integration with Solareum has an objective of allowing users to send cryptocurrency in a simple manner, almost similar to the objectives underlined under the recent integration with Eidoo App.
FIO Send comes packed with an amazing feature that allows users to request funds from other users instead of constantly calling them to remind them of their due.
Users can also add metadata when executing a transaction on the app to remember why the funds were transferred in the first place. Moreover, it helps the other person track what the payment is in favor of. More FIO Protocol features are expected to go live on Eidoo App soon.